A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens:
Talking to Your Kids About Sexting, Drinking, Drugs, and Other Things That Freak You Out

The quitter. The narcissist. The clone. The smartphone addict, eyes fixed on the tiny screen, doing…what?
There’s a strange new creature living under your roof. Your job now is to figure out what makes teenagers tick, and to steer them to productive paths—away from the lures and dangers of drinking, drugging, sexting, bullying, and other bad decisions.
A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens makes it easier than ever before. Cutting through the teen drama and parental confusion, the book delivers fast answers and targeted solutions to 80 behaviors that drive parents nuts. Just locate the annoying or alarming problem you’re dealing with, and you’ll find a brief but insightful analysis of what your teen is really thinking and feeling, along with smart, effective advice on what exactly you should say and do. By acting quickly, calmly, and knowledgeably, you can halt your teen’s spiral, open up the lines of communication, and get them back into a positive, responsible, and respectful place.
I Get It: Three Magic Words For Parents Of Teens
$15.00 - including shipping
Watch a sample
of the kind of presentations Joani
can bring to your school, business or community group.
Snapchat photo leak: Should parents be worried?
October 13, 2014
Preparing your child for a cell phone
October 29, 2014

Natick woman offers advice to the parents of teens
July 27, 2014
Advice to Parents on Teen Sex
April 19, 2009
How to train your teen from texting while driving
April 8, 2016
What all parents can (and must) learn from Columbine
February 15, 2016
Strategies for getting teens to avoid participation in offensive rants
April 5, 2016
Prom-proofing your teen
May 8, 2016
Teen tips: Norwell parents get advice on getting through those difficult years
June 4, 2009
Wellesley Parents: Have Teens? Help is on the Way.
February 4, 2010
Psychology - The Parent Version
- Learn how the brain affects your teen’s behavior. It’s the battle of the thinking brain VS the feeling brain.
- Learn Effective strategies for arguing-The Four Ways Of Fighting.
- Develop effective strategies for keeping your teen safe as they explore the new world of teen life.
- Learn how to teen-proof your home and cell-proof your teen
Sexting. Texting and Social Networking:
What’s A Parent To Do?
- Understand how the “emotional brain” of a teen gets “turned on” by social networking.
- Understand how the “Imaginary Audience” influences your teen’s performing on social media.
- Learn which apps are safe and unsafe
- Learn strategies to monitor and set limits around phone and internet use
- Learn how your own behavior with phones and computers can positively and negatively influence your teen.
Drugs and Alcohol: How Does Your Teen’s Personality Style, and Your Parenting Style impact their experimentation with drugs and alcohol?
- Identify your teen’s personality style
- Identify your parenting style
- Learn effective strategies and scripts to keep your teen safe
8/23/18 - Tantasqua High School
8/28/18 - Auburn High School
11/27/18 - Bird Middle School Walpole
1/15/19 - Hingham Middle School
2/5/19 - South Middle School Braintree
1/30/19 - Stacy Middle School Milford
4/3/19 - Brookline High School
5/1/19 - Newton South High School
8/23/18 - Tantasqua High School